Finding Your Voice - inspiring women of conservation
Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
~ Barack Obama
From a simple idea of mentoring, came a weekend gathering of women conservationists - to share their stories, their journeys, to take stock, and most especially to encourage and support one another moving forward. This annual get-together seeded what eventually would become Finding Your Voice. FYV is a two-day conservation summit which brings together a wide array of women conservationists in order to share their stories and conservation work with the next generation of naturalists and conservationists. Our audience includes university students, high school students, zoo personnel, and people who have been searching for like-minded conservation folks and a new direction in their life. The first FYV was co-hosted by Beth Armstrong & Otterbein University in 2016, Denver Zoo in 2018 and back to Otterbein in 2019. To link to the 2019 FYV schedule of speakers double-click here or on logo above.